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Why Early Breast Detection Is Important

Breast cancer is one of the deadly diseases that can result in severe health complications if not detected at an early stage. This is prominently found in females as compared to males. However, males are also affected by breast cancer. 

Several lifestyle conditions function as the major risk factors for the development of the disease. Lumps of cancerous tissue are deposited in the breast, which can spread to other parts of the body if not detected or treated at an early stage. Breast consultants can provide you a guide to excisional breast biopsy.

Breast cancer screening deals with screening multiple factors that can increase the risk of developing breast and ovarian cancer in females. Breast cancer screening works by screening the functioning of BRCA genes. 

BRCA genes are present in the body of every individual. These genes function normally as tumor suppressor genes and do not promote tumor growth in the body. BRCA genes play a significant role in the DNA repair mechanism and function as important genes in the cell cycle pathway.

The test uses advanced and latest next generation sequencing technologies to deliver accurate and reliable breast tumor genetic screening results. Early detection can help the doctors to reduce the risk of breast or ovarian cancer development.