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Visiting the Bear Park at Mt Eden: A Fun Day Out For the Whole Family

Mt Eden is a beautiful suburb of Auckland, New Zealand, and one of its most popular attractions is the Bear Park. This family-friendly destination offers a unique and interesting experience that the whole family can enjoy.

The Bear Park is located in the heart of Mt Eden village, next to the Mt Eden Domain. With its natural surroundings and its wide variety of activities, it is the perfect place to take a break from the hustle and bustle of the city and enjoy some quality time with your family. You can get redirected here to know more about Mt Eden Kindergarten.

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The Bear Park offers a variety of activities for all ages, including a petting zoo, interactive games, and a playground. The petting zoo is a great way for kids to learn about different animals and get up close and personal with them. The interactive games are fun and engaging, as well as educational, and the playground is perfect for kids to run around and burn off some of that extra energy.

In addition to the activities, the Bear Park also has an educational centre. Here, kids can learn about the history of the area, the local wildlife, and other interesting facts. There are also plenty of snacks and refreshments available, so you can make a day of it.

The Bear Park is a great place to spend a day with the family. With its many activities and educational centre, it is the perfect spot for a day out that the whole family can enjoy.