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The Process of Auctioning My House

If you're thinking about auctioning your house, there are a few things to keep in mind. Here are the steps:

1. Consult with an auctioneer or real estate agent. They can give you an idea of what's typically sold at auction and help you prepare your house for sale.  If you need more information about auctioning your house you may navigate to

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2. Let potential buyers know when and where your house will be auctioned. This will help them prepare and get ready to bid on it.

3. List your house for sale with a real estate agent or auctioneer who will act as the selling agent on your behalf. This is important because they'll coordinate all the details of the auction and handle any communications with potential buyers.

4. Set up a time for the auction and plan to attend it alone or with one representative from each of your interested parties (i.e., buyer, seller, real estate agent). Make sure to bring copies of any documents that may be relevant to the sale (e.g., deeds, contracts, estimates). If you have children, have them stay home since this is an event that can be quite nerve-wracking for kids!

5. The bidding process begins once the bidding starts at the auctioneer's signal and continues until there's a winner who pays the highest amount of money offered for the property…or until there's no more bidding left. Once everything is settled, then the title passes to the buyer who  won the auction.So, if you're thinking about auctioning your house, these are the steps you need to take to make it a reality.