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Why Is Primary Education Important?

Primary education is compulsory education of the first level and usually covers the first six or seven years of school life. Although basic education is mandatory, parents can provide it at home.

Primary education meets the needs of students in the early years of school life. It aims to ensure the development of children – to develop their social, cognitive, cultural, emotional and physical abilities to the best of their ability. You can pop over to this website to join the primary school in Cairns.

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Basic education raises children's awareness, opens opportunities and reduces generational poverty. Ultimately, access to a higher standard of education has a greater impact on academic progress than other factors, including social/economic marital status and gender.

The main goal is to encourage children to think analytically; achieve a high standard of living; address technological challenges; and the promotion of citizenship and fundamental values.

It offers students the opportunity to make friends and develop communication skills. The future of children is completely dependent on basic education. This can positively increase your child's self-esteem and give them the skills they need to succeed in life.

Children who do not get basic education, including counting, alphabet, colors and shapes, in their early years will lag behind other children who have these basic skills.

Benefits of Primary School Education: 

  • Supports social and emotional development

  • They learns independence and self-confidence

  • Improve reading and communication skills