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What to Look For in Childrens Room Accessories

There are many ways to decorate your child's room. You can use funky accessories, such as a colorful chalkboard wall, an easy-to-change art gallery, a bunk bed slide, or a ceiling-suspended cargo net. But one thing's for sure: if you're a parent, you'll want to make the most of the space. In this article, you'll learn what to look for in children’s room accessories.

Bright, bold pattern

When designing a child's room, a bright, bold pattern can help add a splash of colour. While adding colour to the ceiling, floor, and window shutters is tricky, using it on bedding and accessories can make a huge impact. Just remember that these pieces of furniture and accessories should match each other in colour and style. In order to avoid clashing, use coordinated colours or a neutral colour scheme that won't look overwhelming.

If you're decorating a child's room, think outside the box and consider incorporating whimsical details that are both colorful and interesting. Consider using removable pieces so that you can change them out as your child grows. Also, let your child get involved with the design process, so they'll feel like they have a say in the end result. It will also help your child feel more at home in his or her room.


When choosing easy-to-clean children's room accessories, look for items that are easy to wipe down. Toys are an obvious example, as they take up most of the room. But toys can be hard to clean and can also become a mess if they're not stored properly. Fortunately, there are easy-to-clean alternatives for kids' room accessories. Here are some ways to make cleaning toys easier for you and your child.

To organize the toys in your child's bedroom, invest in storage containers. Labeled storage bins help keep toys organized by category. Toys can easily accumulate in your child's room, so it is helpful to make sure that your child always puts away their toys when they're finished playing. Use storage containers that come with labels to make this task easier. Also, purchase furniture that doubles as an organizational device.


Kids' rooms are always in need of storage, and the best way to achieve this is to add vertical storage. Bookcases and wall-mounted shelves are popular choices for these purposes, and designers also recommend neutral-colored bookcases for kids. They offer a sturdy mounting system and are safe for growing kids. Designers recommend the Stairway Bookcase, which provides ample storage space in an easily-installed package.

Another way to make use of blank wall space is to use removable wall decals or stencils. Older kids can show off their interests by hanging unique wall hangings that reflect their hobbies. For example, skateboards make excellent shelving, and vintage sheet music can be framed and hung along one wall. Children will love it, and it will make a great conversation piece. The possibilities are endless!

Age appropriate

When buying for a child's room, take the measurements and draw a simple floor plan. Include the room's dimensions, ceiling height, and any indentations or protrusions. While a standard single bed will do for a newborn, they will likely outgrow it. Plan accordingly and buy the correct size bed. In addition, make sure the accessories match the color scheme of the room.

Select a paint color that your child likes. Consider bright or dark accents to make it look cool. Alternatively, opt for a soft, neutral color like cream. If the child will grow out of it, you can opt for more sophisticated colors like navy blue. This way, your child will grow up with their room and still have a space that they love. When shopping for textile products, be sure to ask their opinions, and choose a color that will appeal to them.

Light sources should be a key element of a child's bedroom. Some of these sources should be included early in the design process, while others can be added later. Ceiling pendants and down lights provide ambient light. Pendants are particularly good for this because they are attractive and can provide all-over light. And don't forget to buy some wall stickers. They'll be thrilled! They'll be thrilled to help you decorate their room.