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Types Of Retractable Pool Enclosure In US

Retractable pool enclosures are a great option for people who want to enjoy their pool but don't have the space or money to install a permanent one. They're also great for people who travel a lot, because they can take their pool with them wherever they go.

Retractable or removable pool enclosures come in many different styles and sizes. Here's a look at some of the most common types.

The first type is the basic umbrella-style enclosure: These enclosures are made of lightweight materials, and they open and close with a simple motorized system. They're popular because they're easy to set up and take down, and they can be used in either small or large spaces.

The second type of enclosure is the box style: These enclosures are made out of heavy-duty materials, and they open and close with a crank system. They're more expensive than umbrella-style enclosures, but they're also more sturdy, so they're better for larger spaces. Box style enclosures often come with side walls that can be opened to create an enclosed area or closed to create a pool area with a privacy fence.

The third type of enclosure is the tunnel style: These enclosures are made out of steel or aluminum, and they open and close like a door. They're perfect for smaller spaces because they can be tucked away out of view, and they have a built-in ladder so people can climb into them.