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Tankless Water Heater Basics

The heating of water can be a huge cost to your electric bill and some makers of tankless heaters claim that by switching, it's possible to cut your energy consumption to a minimum of half. Tankless heaters are also known as instantaneous heaters since they supply warm water when required.

Tankless heaters work by heating water by means of an exchanger. A gas tankless aqua heater service can be significantly more efficient than gas-fired storage tanks however, the savings are not much as you still require gas to warm the exchanger. 

Tankless electric heaters are ideal for outside sinks and remote barbecue and pool houses, as well as pool showers, remote bathrooms, hot tubs, or as a booster to solar heating, dishwashers, and sanitation.

Tankless water heaters come with two distinct fuel requirements. It is possible to buy a propane tankless heater or one that is electric. You must ensure that your home meets the specifications of the type of tankless heater you choose. 

A model that is electric will come with a different voltage, and amperage and you'll require it to be connected to its own circuit breakers. Gas models require gas venting.

AS with many energy-efficient products the upfront costs are high but the actual cost of running a tankless device is much less than a traditional heater system, so you will eventually break even.