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Larotrectinib Receives FDA Approval

The Developmental Therapeutics team is celebrating the new FDA approval based on the data collected from the study LOXOTRK-15002. More than 10 percent of the data that led to the approval of Larotrectinib (Vitrakvi) were compiled through Professor. 

Larotrectinib is an orally administered drug for the treatment of solid tumors that have NTRK gene fusions, which is a rare driver of oncogenic origin found in over 25 forms of cancers, ranging from Sarcomas to GI and lung cancers including breast cancer and Melanoma. You can get more information about larotrectinib fda from various online sources.

It's a novel alternative treatment for children and adult patients with metastatic or advanced cancer, as well as cases in which the removal of tumors is likely to result in injury or impairment. It is the first treatment that has been approved for this kind of genomic abnormality, irrespective of the cancer type. It is also the second medication approved for a tissue-agnostic indication (across the histologies of tumors).

Larotrectinib has demonstrated an overall 75 percent response rate for all kinds of cancerous solid. The responses were long-lasting with responding 73 percent for at least 6 months with 39 percent lasting one year or more at the time the results were evaluated. 

The types of tumors that have an NTRK fusion responding to larotrectinib are soft tissue sarcomas and salivary gland cancer. thyroid cancer in infantile fibrosarcoma as well as lung cancer.