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Many Ways A Launch Monitor Can Help Your Game

These are just a few ways that a launch monitor can be helpful in your game

Discover how far you can hit the clubs

Many golfers underestimate the distance they can reach each club. Simply by hitting shots onto a Skytrak launch director, you can see the distance each club has traveled.

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Ability to hit it every day

Crosswinds can cause shots to blur or to draw, which could be a problem for the golfer. Crosswinds can cause golfers to make incorrect adjustments or believe they are getting the shot they want.

They may not be able to repeat the performance on the course after that. Launch monitors use ultra-rapid cameras to measure the golf balls.

Short Game Experimentation

It is best to practice by hitting short-game shots and using an experimentation mentality. Launch monitors are a great tool to help you practice. They give you quick feedback about your chances and offer suggestions for how to improve your strategy or which type of chance is best.

Separation Gapping with Your Wedges

You should have holes between your clubs, particularly your wedges. These are your scoring clubs. Launch monitors are a wonderful tool that will help you measure how far your ball moves on half-swing or three-quarter-swing shots. You can get all the criticism you need to avoid making errors and score better with a launch monitor.

Analyze of the Putting

Launch monitors can be useful for longer games as well. Launch monitors are also useful for showing you your putting. These are the two most important areas. These areas are particularly important if you're looking for a fit for your putter or to make sure that your putter is functioning as it should.