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Interesting Places To Visit In San Jose

San Jose, Costa Rica, is located in the country's Central Valley, which was first colonized in the 16th century. The city became the capital of Costa Rica in 1823. 

San Jose was one of the youngest cities in Latin America in the year of conception. Today this beautiful city is a modern city with vibrant trade, vibrant artistic and architectural expression, and stimulated by the country's increasingly developed tourism industry. 

This is an important destination and stops for foreign visitors. The city is filled with beautiful public parks, markets, and courtyards and has a lot to offer. These public places serve as meeting places for the friendly locals in the city. You can also visit for kid’s museum.

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The city is full of office towers, shopping centers, and fast-food restaurants, although the explosion of capitalism has left most of the city's population unpaid. The city is becoming more modern every year.

For most tourists, a stopover in San Jose is a must before traveling to "real" Costa Rica. A few days in San Jose can offer a perspective on the true face of the nation, and indeed there is a concept of "beauty at your doorstep". 

The market is crowded and the nightlife is very demanding. In San Jose, there is a historical museum and several monuments where the colonial-style still shines.