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Healthy Benefits Of The Mint Flavored Teas

Mint tea is a popular herbal tea that is widely used to make iced teas and hot teas. Mint tea has cooling qualities and makes a very refreshing iced tea, whether used alone or when mixed with other herbs or with green or black tea. 

There are many varieties of mint, including both natural and hybrid types and varieties. Spicata mint, Piperita mint, and healthy spearmint tea in NZ are the types of mint most commonly used in teas. 

Apple mint is also common and tastes similar to mint, although the leaves are scaly. If the term "mint tea" is used and no mint is specified, it usually means mint tea. 

The mint family also contains several other varieties used in teas, including peppermint, lemon balm, many culinary spices, and oswego tea. Plants such as pineapple and mint lime can also be used in tea, although they are less commercially available.

It's not entirely known how the various benefits demonstrated in laboratory studies carry over to people drinking mint tea. It's not entirely clear to what extent these health benefits are available to those who drink mint tea. 

In several human trials, capsules have been used with concentrated essential oils, which tend to produce higher concentrations than those typically found in mint tea.