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Call a Bike Accident Lawyer When Safety Precautions Fail

A bike accident attorney is someone who represents bikers who are injured by cars or trucks on the road. While it can be the rider's fault, it's never good for the cyclist. Let's face it – cars and trucks weigh thousands of pounds, and motorcycles are weak metal devices that people sit on. 

When you have an experienced personal injury attorney by your side, you can regain your financial footing. You can also take help from a bike accident lawyer at

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When overtaking other vehicles, experts recommend that bicycles take into account how fast they need to overtake that vehicle. If it's fast, like thirty mph, it's not a good place because it's too risky. Better to wait for the safer and slower part of the site.  

Car and truck drivers can concentrate on their own driving and not even notice the bike at the end of the road. To be more confident, it's important to find ways to be more visible. Some ideas include glowing bright clothes, reflective tape, cute slogans on the back like a yellow triangle that says "Access", eye contact at intersections, and hand signals. When all else fails, make sure you pay attention to it and don't get carried away by the thrill of driving.  

Cell phone chats and text messages are bad enough for car and truck drivers – in fact, many states prohibit their use behind the wheel. You also shouldn't make phone calls at intersections while cycling. In fact, intersections are one of the most dangerous parts of the route, so the focus should be on traffic, traffic lights and safety.