Details On How To Kill Weeds

Would you like to know how to kill weeds? There are many ways to kill weeds, including using commercial chemicals specifically designed to kill grass weeds. However, if you are concerned with the health of the earth, you can try any of the four ways to kill weeds naturally.

White distilled vinegar is effective in ridding weeds, although it does not directly kill the weeds. The mechanics work by increasing the pH level of the soil, which makes the weeds wither and die. The pH level of the soil goes back to its normal level after 24 hours or less and does not affect your other plants.

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Choose the vinegar with a 15-20% acetic level. The higher the acetic level, the more efficacious it is in killing weeds. Pour vinegar into a bottle spray and apply it onto the weeds. The US Department of Agriculture scientists confirmed the efficacy of vinegar in controlling weeds, particularly on sunny days. It can burn the plants.

Ensure that your other plants do not get in contact with the vinegar as they too would get affected by its acidity. The best time to spray vinegar is on a dry day. If you are not sure how to do it, you can watch videos on how to kill weeds using vinegar.

Disinfectant alcohol or rubbing alcohol is another substance used in getting rid of the unwanted grass in your garden. Depending on how stubborn the weeds are in your garden, mix five tablespoons of alcohol with 4 cups of water in a bottle spray. Mix it thoroughly and apply to your plants on a dry day. Be careful not to spray the alcohol on your precious plants.