Find The Best Reading Level Books For Your 3rd Graders

Your third grader is ready for a new challenge. They're growing and learning at an amazing pace, so it's time to up the ante and give them some harder reading material. But which grades will they enjoy the most? To get more details about 3rd reading books you may check this out now.

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To help you out, we've put together a list of tips for choosing which grades your third graders would enjoy the most:

1. Start with leveled books. This is by far the best way to ensure that your third grader can read any book they try. Leveled books have been specifically designed to be at an appropriate reading level for each grade level, so there's no guessing involved. 

2. Use age-appropriate dictionaries. Just like you wouldn't let a one-year-old try to cook dinner, you shouldn't let them try to decode complex words without a dictionary handy. Third graders are still working on their vocabulary skills, so using age-appropriate dictionaries will make sure they're not struggling too much while reading. 

3. Choose easy stories first. It can be tempting to throw your kid into the deep end with hard books right away, but this might be too much for them right now. Start by giving them easier stories that are still challenging enough for them to stay interested in (but not too hard). Once they're comfortable with those, gradually increase the difficulty of the books they're reading. 

4. Make it interactive! Reading should be fun – set  a good example by reading with your child and engaging them in conversation while they're reading. This will help them develop a love for reading that will last for years to come. 

So there you have it – four tips for choosing which grades your third graders would enjoy the most. Thanks for reading!